Core code should not know about specific modules - TRUNK-4739

Looking at the changes i had to make, they looked small and simple. But i fully agree that even what appears simple may introduce bugs or have performance implications. The good thing is that this change is only for developers. So we could revert the commit and instead have a pull request that a developer can apply locally to use a version of the platform for only development purposes. This is exactly what i was all along doing before i decided to actually commit it. :slight_smile:

As for the bullet point number 3, yes the current release of spring-loaded does not support reloading classes from JAR files. Even if it did, we would need some mechanism of compiling a new jar file for each change, and dump it into the temporary folder where our module engine extras omods. Creating a pull request against spring-loaded looked like a task which could take a reasonable amount of time. I did not try to do so because i assumed that their having not done this yet is because it was not obvious. But i could be wrong. :slight_smile:

Changing “uiFramework” to something else makes a lot of sense!