Change length of auto-generated Patient Identifier

The registrationapp module bundled with referenceapplication 2.3.1 provides patient registration functionality in OpenMRS. The patients registered with the system are attached to an auto-generated Patient Identifier generated by OpenMRSID Generator.

The various constraints and characteristics of the identifier are as follows:

  1. base character set: 0123456789ACDEFGHJKLMNPRTUVWXY
  2. validator: LuhnMod30IdentifierValidator
  3. minimum length: 6
  4. identifier base: 10000

I’m interested in changing the above parameters to suit my requirements especially the length of identifier (alphanumeric identifier of length 10 instead of length 6)
Replace the patient identifier generation and validation logic to bypass the annoying validators and other internal processing (leading to several exceptions in patient registration workflow as far as my experience with OpenMRS is concerned)

You can go to the legacy ui’s main admin page, under ‘ID Generation’ section, select ‘Auto-Generation Options’ and set up a different identifier type and other options