Caused by: com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException

I have noticed while working with the reporting module that whenever i restarted or badly choked OpenMRS instance to death or tomcat through quiting un-expectedly, i ended up seemingly loosing my cohort queries as well as indicator definitions, i used to re-create new test ones until i got fed up only to check the logs and find out that the deserialiser fails to do its work basing on the logs below although the the serialized_objects still exist in the database; in summary:

Caused by: com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: org.openmrs.User_$$_jvst711_41 : org.openmrs.User_$$_jvst711_41

:see_no_evil: yet

i wonder how creator class is mis-set in the serialized_data!!! running this SQL fixed this issue;

UPDATE serialized_object SET serialized_data = REPLACE(serialized_data, 'creator class="org.openmrs.User_$$_jvstbea_41"', 'creator class="org.openmrs.User"');

Are you running the latest version of the module? This looks like the Javassist problem fixed by this commit.

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