can't find Hibernate ORM File and the class extends BaseOpenmrsObject implements Serializable

you can have several openmrs sdk servers but each will have a different unique url to the data base and ofcourse , the same username ,the same password for the db

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ya that come as a result of the bug in the sdk i descibed above. can your share the controller class of your module here ?? @mozzy

see line 31 @Controller("${rootrootArtifactid}.Exemple2Controller")

should be @Controller("${rootArtifactid}.Exemple2Controller")

Note , the word root is duplicated

First try clearing the above and try running again. if it fails , try another option below

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Option 2

replace all occurrences of ${rootArtifactid} in the controller with the actual module artifact id

  • instead of
    @RequestMapping(value = "module/${rootArtifactid}/${rootArtifactid}.form")

  • do like
    @RequestMapping(value = "module/exemple2/exemple2.form")

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thanks very much @mozzy
to open a new session it takes me almost an hour … i will take some time to get results after the changes