Call for Unconferencing Session Topic Suggestions for OpenMRS Implementers' Conference 2024!

As we prepare for the upcoming OpenMRS Implementers’ Conference 2024, we are excited to announce the inclusion of several unconferencing sessions. These sessions offer a unique opportunity for all attendees to influence the direction of the conversation and dive into the topics that matter most to us as a community.

What are Unconferencing Sessions? Unconferencing sessions are participant-driven discussions where the agenda is set by you, the community members, on the spot. Unlike traditional conference sessions, these are more spontaneous, allowing for open dialogue, collaborative brainstorming, and exploration of emerging ideas and challenges. They’re perfect for fostering deep, meaningful conversations about issues that don’t fit neatly into predefined conference tracks.

We Need Your Ideas! We invite the entire OpenMRS community to suggest topics for these unconferencing sessions. What are the pressing issues, challenges, or innovations you’d like to discuss? What experiences or insights can you share that could benefit others? Your input will help ensure that the most relevant and timely topics are addressed during the conference.

How to Contribute: Please contribute your unconferencing session topic ideas by responding to this post. Feel free to include a brief description or key points you think should be covered in the discussion. Additionally, you can support topics suggested by others by upvoting [hit that like button] or commenting on them.

Why Get Involved? Unconferencing sessions are a great way to engage with fellow community members, share ideas, and collaborate on solutions to the challenges we face. Whether you’re a developer, implementer, healthcare provider, or researcher, your perspectives and ideas are invaluable.

cc: @grace @akanter @ibacher @slubwama @beryl @wodpachua


Thank you so much @suubi7! Here are several on my mind:

Product Vision and Strategy: I’d love to have a session exploring where we are and where we’d all like to be with our Product. I’d love to know what members would like to see as our “North Star Metrics” / KPIs.

Code Test Coverage Requirements: How to add test coverage to your OpenMRS contributions as this will be a requirement for all PRs to be considered, starting this September. With @ibacher, @dkigen, @jayasanka.

Personas: “Who are we actually building stuff for?” I would like to run a session showing the new Persona Playing Cards we are developing. The idea is these should help us be better aligned together in our community approach to meeting user needs :slight_smile:

Cybersecurity Guide for OpenMRS Implementers: Members from @Intellisoft are seeking feedback on work for Implementers to better secure their implementations. @nataliewanjiru is the key contact.

Translating OpenMRS: @larymak to lead a session to hear from Implementers about their experiences trying to localize / translate OpenMRS, and he will show the Guide we’ve been working on to try and make this process easier.


I posted a topic on scaling OpenMRS implementations through improved support of implementing partners in the slack channel: Discussion about incubator/partner support Think this would also be a good topic for an unconference session


Cloud Hosting & Multitenancy Support in OpenMRS

We want to hear from you: What are your cloud-hosting and multi-tenancy needs for managing your OpenMRS implementations?


Admin Tools

  • Pain Points? What do we really like, really not like?
  • Time to update these - what would we like to improve?
  • What needs more of a redesign than just “Carbonize it”?

CC @slubwama I believe you’re interested in this :smiley:


Concept Management & Using Terminology in Forms:

  • How’s it going using OCL for this purpose?
  • What’s going well?
  • What’s not going well?
  • In a perfect world, what would we want to do directly in the form builder?

CC @veronica @wamz @ball @michaelbontyes


Lab updates to OpenMRS and FHIR based lab information system interoperability


ICD 11 support: Is there interest in easy ICD 11 integration with the OpenMRS EMR? If so, why? and How could we do this sustainably?


CDS Roadmap: What do we want to focus on next for CDS in the OpenMRS EMR?

  • Calculations Module
  • Patient Flags Module
  • …and more…

Data Viz - LITE

  • Should we add a “DataViz-LITE” functionality to the Community EMR distro (RefApp), so that smaller facilities don’t have to worry about integration with a different tool (like Superset)?
    • UgandaEMR has developed a data visualizer tool built on the O3 framework and is using this in UgandaEMR+
    • Intellisoft would like to see data viz fx
    • KenyaEMR has handled this with an hourly scheduler that sends cumulative #s to Superset; for high-level people only (e.g. how many people have we seen today, which service point was the highest, how much $ did we collect?) → The hourly scheduler is how they prevented this from becoming too expensive in production.
    • Mekom has a similar approach but through the EIP module into Superset.
  • If we want to add this “DataViz-Lite” fx, Where do we “draw the line” between what level of functionality/detail we provide in the community distro, vs what should be handled in a fit-for-purpose Data Viz system (like Metabase or Superset)?

@piuskariuki19 and @mmwanje I think you’d be interested in this topic? :smiley: :sunglasses:


Approach to Reports: ETL vs Streaming


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Implementing SMART Guidelines L3 in OpenMRS & Mapping Terminology

@ibacher @akanter @mozzy


Community Plan for Security Improvement

@caseynth2 based on your post here


IPS in O3

@Reagan @ibacher based on post here


How to use the O3 Form Builder @veronica would you be up for giving this session?