By Mistake Legacy UI module and not, its not started

Hi, My openMrs was running. By mistake I dactived legacy UI module. Now its not started anymore. Just showing :

I copied legacy-ui-1.4.2.omod file into : C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Application Data\OpenMRS

But still not running.

here is my openmrs log file:

tomcat log:

Any suggestion ? I’m in big trouble.

In your database’s global_property table, what is the value of this property? legacyui.started

I was false, I just change it true.

After changing it to true, restart tomcat and tell us what happens.

Application started but: Logic module not working:

Reporting module also:

Just get rid of the logic module

Sorry for late reply. Reporting tool not working: see the screenshot:

openmrs log:

Which version of the reporting module are you running?

On the reporting_report_design table, do you have a foreign key constraint named? report_definition_id_for_reporting_report_design

This is the DDL of reporting_repoty_design table :

CREATE TABLE `reporting_report_design` (
  `uuid` char(38) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `description` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `report_definition_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `renderer_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `properties` text,
  `creator` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `date_created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `changed_by` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `date_changed` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `retired` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `retired_by` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `date_retired` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `retire_reason` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `report_definition_uuid` char(38) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `report_definition_id for reporting_report_design` (`report_definition_id`),
  KEY `creator for reporting_report_design` (`creator`),
  KEY `changed_by for reporting_report_design` (`changed_by`),
  KEY `retired_by for reporting_report_design` (`retired_by`),
  KEY `report_definition_uuid_for_reporting_report_design` (`report_definition_uuid`),
  CONSTRAINT `changed_by for reporting_report_design` FOREIGN KEY (`changed_by`) REFERENCES `users` (`user_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `creator for reporting_report_design` FOREIGN KEY (`creator`) REFERENCES `users` (`user_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `report_definition_id for reporting_report_design` FOREIGN KEY (`report_definition_id`) REFERENCES `serialized_object` (`serialized_object_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `retired_by for reporting_report_design` FOREIGN KEY (`retired_by`) REFERENCES `users` (`user_id`)

Which version of the reporting module are you running?

Reporting Module: I tried all version from to 1.15.0 openmrs 2.0.6 please see the screenshot:

Do you have any data in the reporting_report_design table?

Yes, I’ve data on reporting_report_design table. Please screenshot:

What should I’ve to do now?

Start by removing the foreign key constraint named “report_definition_id_for_reporting_report_design”

Removed it from DB, but same result. See current foreign keys for this table:

openmrs log: INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(115) |2018-02-25 13:44:18,233| In method Administrat -

The validation exception that you are getting looks like you are running a lower version of the reporting module.

reporting module: 1.15

and here is the global property:

What should I do now ?

Go to the “liquibasechangelog” table and delete rows with ID in (reporting_report_design_1, reporting_report_design_4, reporting_report_design_5)

Then try again.

Did it. Now reporting module start . But its blank.

Tomcat log: Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown -

Restart tomcat.