Build Error in Coreapps - karma-phantomjs-launcher

Coreapps 1.21.0-SNAPSHOT Any one found this build failure ?

I think there is something buggy with some script in /node_modules/karma-phantomjs-launcher

tried looking around google but looks like there is no single cause ,there’s a cluster of could be causes.this got me thinking of this as a bug . thought of index.js but not yet sure !

Do you get the same error when you compile again? What does npm-debug.log contain?

Oh Thanks , i never took chance to look at that…It has been annoyingly repetitive for several days despite several attempts to clean caches ,fresh repo clones ,nodeJS /npm upgrades , cleaning .m2 and other related folders.

I’ll look at it again.

@dkayiwa npm-debug.log contents

What do these commands return? node -v and npm -v

node -v gives v6.16.0

and npm -v gives 6.7.0

Can you upgrade your node and then try again?

Alright Thanks

Ya i also always get trouble whenever i compile the cre-apps module…but i just keep on cleaning the m2 repository and compiling again , until it finally works

Oh thanks Moses.What’s your curreent Node version ?

@tendomart your version of node is old.

its v8.11.3

ya @dkayiwa is right, your node verson seems outdated

@dkayiwa i think so.Let me finish cleaning up residual files and see results.