Ask for help to start contribute in the organization

Hello I am new. I have already setup my environment . But I am still search some small talk to do for my training can somebody help?. Thanks you

Hi @achilep,

Do you want to test or implement or take part into OpenMRS Development? We are happy to guide you :slight_smile:

Hi @achilep .
I suggest you to try first time to write some tests . Fork the repository in your github and clone it locally . Then create a new breach and checkout . Run mvn clean install to check if everything works . If not come here for help . Then search for todo in code . There are a lot of todo like : finish this by adding the remaining tests . Create a ticket before start to work and ping someone to make it ready for work . Check existing tests for examples of tests . When you added a bunch, create a pull request and someone will review . You will learn a lot of fundamental stuff by doing that.

Reply or message me if you need more help . :slight_smile:

I am interested to openMRS development Thanks you.

Ok thank you .but star work on Todo I need a jira access account?

Yes. Every time you work at something you need to make sure that has a ticket for that and you are assigned to it. Also need to be ready for work. Check existing tickets or create a ticket .

hello @achilep, yo most welcome to OpenMRS, this video will help you on how to get started with the platform and tickets please feel free to post any challenges that you may encounter. THANKS

That’s true, but there are also plenty of open tickets ‘ready for work’ to be picked up across multiple projects. It is useful to make tickets out of TODOs left in the code, so that they are actually tracked ; but just to say that there are many tasks on our radar that have been described in (more or less) details and that are ready to be picked.

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Thanks you

Thank you for tou link .please can you give me the different step to fix thix bug

  1. Reporting Module
  2. REPORT-848

hello thank you for you help please can you help by given the different step to fix this bug

  1. Reporting Module
  2. REPORT-848

try out link for guidance on how to contribute code on openmrs

I have already gone through this video My problem is how to solve the bug or how to write a code in programing language to fix the bug Thanks you

i haven’t read through the ticket entirely n dont no what its demanding exactly but kindly read thru the description and the comments on the ticket below to better understand what it demands, it there are any terms or statements that you don’t understand, kindly post it on talk

Hello guys

I am new to openMRS and I would love to take part into OpenMRS Development. Anyone to help me?

Hello I am also a new but to start you will need this

And also check this