Are we switching to GitHub for wiki content?

Continuing the discussion from Cohorts and Cohort Searches:

I have a script that I run occasionally to clean up the OpenMRS repositories, including disabling wiki and issues on all repositories.

Are we going to switch from Confluence to GitHub for wiki content? Or are we going to use some of each? While I can see value in using Github for wiki content and even issues, there are downsides (e.g., searches in our wiki won’t find it). And I’m not sure that entropy is the best strategy.

If we are going to start using Github repository wikis, I’ll need to stop disabling these. When do we use one vs the other?

I think we should pick one exclusively. And in this case I think wiki still does a fantastic job. Personally I vote to keep everything on the already existing wiki.

I find the confluence wiki to be completely unusable when you’re dealing with lots of preformatted text and code fragments. In other words it’s a terrible place to document a REST API.

So I chose to document the reportingrest module’s REST API in its github wiki, which lets me write markdown in my IDE. (And I linked to it from the module’s wiki page. (This also gets it a bit closer to the code, and lowers the bar a bit to updating the documentation next time the code gets updated.)

In general 95% of things should be on

I was wondering who turned off the wiki, so I’m glad we figured that out! Please opt-out reportingrest from having its wiki disabled. You may leave the issues disabled though.

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