Add conditional show logic

Hi, please i would like to know if it is possible to have conditional show logic i mean when i select an answer it will display another option.@gsluthra,@angshuonline

Thank you

here is i put in formConditions.js

‘Date of last menstrual period (DDR) known’ : function (formName, formFieldValues) {

var conditions = {show: [ ], hide: [ ]}; var conditionConcept = formFieldValues[‘CPN Date’]; if (conditionConcept == “False”) { conditions.enable.push(“If yes (enter date)”) } else { conditions.hide.push(“If yes (enter date)”) } return conditions; },

But it does not worlk, need help please

Here is the Wiki documentation link. This should help.

@akhilmalhotra thank you

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I have a concept named “Tetanus vaccine (VAT) done” with answers True or False when i select True another concept should appear named “Please select the VAT” which has 2 answers coded which are VAT 1 and VAT2 and if select any of the VAT i should display the VAT Date. Unfortunately it does not display the VAT Date when i select “VAT 1”

@akhilmalhotra, @angshuonline any idea