ABDM - Bahmni integration

Ref. - Bahmni ABDM Wiki - https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/2901114904/Bahmni+as+Health+Information+Provider+ABDM+NDHM Problem Statement: Where to find “Verify ABHA” button and the UI (popup window) as shown in the ABDM integration video (Bahmni and ABDM Workflows - YouTube) Please confirm the following

  1. Is GitHub - Bahmni-Covid19/ndhm-react: This repo contains code for ABDM health Id verification feature. repository contain the UI code that verifies bahmni patient with ABDM?
  2. Is GitHub - Bahmni-Covid19/hip-service: “Health Information Provider” refers to clinical establishments which generate or store customer data in digital form. These include hospitals, primary or secondary health care centres, nursing homes, diagnostic centres, clinics, medical device companies and other such entities as may be identified by regulatory authorities from time to time repository contain the code that calls ABDM API?
  3. If so, which files are required to integrate with Bahmni and where to find the integration document?
  4. If not, please guide (exact repositories and files to integrate) about how to integrate ABDM with Bahmni as shown in the video?

There is some work underway by @swatigogia and @abhinab – to make the ABDM implementation generic and easy to setup by anyone, including providing a document on Wiki for this. I will let them comment on this.

Hi @akhilantotharayil Please find the answers below:

  1. ndhm-react repo contains the UI code for the verify pop-up
  2. yes
  3. for integration there is a custom omod that is created, the code can be found here: GitHub - Bahmni-Covid19/openmrs-module-hip: HIP module for exposing HIP specific features from OpenMRS.

We ll soon be releasing a documentation on how to setup ndhm.

Thanks and Regards

Swati Gogia

Hello @akhilantotharayil . We are having a session on Thursday from 3 pm- 4pm IST . We would cover about Bahmni and ABDM integration and would also answer some of the questions you were having. The session will be helpful to get an overall picture. Sharing the invite link here.

cc @swatigogia @gsluthra

Topic: Shareback: What is means for Bahmni to be ABDM certified Time: Mar 3, 2022 03:00 PM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi

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Environment: Bahmni 0.93 fresh install

  1. Cloned GitHub - Bahmni-Covid19/openmrs-module-hip: HIP module for exposing HIP specific features from OpenMRS.
  2. mvn clean install
  3. copied C:\Projects\bahmni\openmrs-module-hip\omod\target\hipmodule-omod-0.1-SNAPSHOT.omod to /opt/openmrs/modules/
  4. service openmrs restart

openmrs shows this error Module HIP Module OMOD cannot be started because it requires the following module(s): fhir2 1.0.0-20200925.143534-163 Please install and start these modules first.

Where can I get omod for fhir2 1.0.0-20200925.143534-163?

Hello @akhilantotharayil

Please find the steps for omod here:

Thanks Swati Gogia

This link openmrs-module-hip/dev-setup.md at master · Bahmni-Covid19/openmrs-module-hip · GitHub does not give instructions about how to setup hip-service. What do we do after cloning hip-service? Or is it already built in the vagrant box?

Hi @akhilantotharayil

HIP service is a docker image, can be downloaded from docker hub: bahmnicovid19/health-information-provider.

PS: We are in process of release out the wiki page about setting up ABDM features. Would update here, once it is available.

Thanks and Regards

Swati Gogia

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if we download docker image, can we modify the sandbox secret key and then restart?

Hi @akhilantotharayil

Yes, you can mention the key in docker-compose or any other tool while starting the image. sample docker-compose.yml

Thanks and Regards Swati Gogia


  1. As mentioned here we tried to download fhir2-omod-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.omod but it needs permissions and I have not received any rights to download.

So, I downloaded fhir2-omod from OpenMRS repository and copied it in /opt/openmrs/modules along with hipmodule-omod-0.1-SNAPSHOT.omod

But starting OpenMRS shows error

Error while trying to start module
Unable to update data model using liquibase.xml. Module: FHIR2

As it cannot load FHIR2 it also fails on hip

Module HIP Module OMOD cannot be started because it requires the following module(s): 
fhir2 1.0.0-20200925.143534-163 Please install and start these modules first.

This is due to

 liquibase.xml::add_loinc_fhir_concept_source_20200221::ibacher is now: 3:22e4ed36ba30d3c48f3f85ea9bd7e896
 liquibase.xml::add_ciel_fhir_concept_source_20200221::ibacher is now: 3:699dcca42ce42cf092af66be709fbd63

after updaing

update  liquibasechangelog set MD5SUM = '3:22e4ed36ba30d3c48f3f85ea9bd7e896' where  ID = 'add_loinc_fhir_concept_source_20200221';
update  liquibasechangelog set MD5SUM = '3:699dcca42ce42cf092af66be709fbd63' where  ID = 'add_ciel_fhir_concept_source_20200221';

fhir1.0 module got loaded and so did the hip module.

Rest of the testing…

To Be Continued…!

@gsluthra , @angshuonline it is possible to ABDM integration on Bahmni 0.91 version ?

AFAIK, no. It will require code changes in Bahmni V0.91 to plug the Bahmni-ABDM services. Also, from a Security perspective, a significant number of security fixes have gone into V0.93 version. Upgrading to V0.93 would be highly recommended. We can help provide guidance on how to upgrade.

You can also try the latest docker versions of Bahmni (training being planned soon!), where all parts of Bahmni + ABDM come out-of-box pre-configured. If so, consider upgrading to this one.