2021-04-14: OCL Squad Call


  • New practice - Sprint Board review together - we’ll cover the key themes we’re focusing on right now, and devs will give updates on their ongoing work https://om.rs/oclboard
  • Blocker: Concept Customization data model - what are the next steps? do we need from the OCL team?
  • Iniz support update

When : Wednesday 6:30pm IST | 4 pm EAT | 2pm CET | 1pm UTC | 9am EST | 6am PST

Where : Join from computer or mobile: om.rs/zoomocl

Notes : OCL for OpenMRS Weekly Meetings - Projects - OpenMRS Wiki

@paynejd @dkayiwa @ibacher @burke @ball @michaelbontyes @muhima08 @mogoodrich @akanter @tendomart @jwnasambu @tendomart @suruchi @nkumar @irenyak1 @hadijah315